3:15 Experiment Logo

Paul Nelson

99 315 29B - A Cranky Love Sestina

And so I wanted to write a sestina for you.
A love sestina to banish forever the doubt.
Extend indefinitely our collective magic
that may have slipped
or lessened a notch in these past few days
but, in truth, is strong as forever.

It's only as long as you make it, forever. 
I call my lover, soul-mate, lady-friend - YOU!
The one who's brought joy into my clutter of days
and banished my relationship self-doubt.
As we know I have slipped
and fallen - a happy victim of Cupid's magic.

Slowed to a blur, the synchronicity is there, the magic
is scheduled to last from now 'til forever
as the naysayers in denial been given the slip.
(They were just trying to fool you.
Fill your head with doubt.
Transfer THEIR tragedy to put misery in your days.)

No alcohol, but stolen flowers = days
of Perrier and roses and magic.
Can there be any doubt?
Can three months make us certain of forever
for the notion of me & you?
The proof is tantric Sunday where inside I slip

and wear your skin. Slip
in bring more joy into summer days.
We don't want to go to heaven only to be told: "You
missed it. All the magic
is on Earth, the land of forever
where you  replay life 'til you banish all doubt."

Banish all fear and doubt
and give the karmic wheel the slip
and for the rest of your days
concentrate on nurturing the magic
that has come to be known as me & you.

Because you entered my life to end my drought, my self-doubt
that I'd ever feel the magic, that it'd somehow slipped,
joy now fills my days. May this feeling last forever.

peN #740
5:07PM 8.29.99 ESTSE


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© 1999 Danika Dinsmore, Paul Nelson